Homework Help

Useful links and homework help for kids.

American Civil War Homepage
Information on music, images, biographical, histories, documents and more.

American Presidents Life Portraits
Sponsored by C-Span, site features biographies, facts, video and sound clips, along with text of speeches and addresses.

Background Notes
U. S. State Department site contains information on the countries of the world with which the U. S. has relations. They include facts on the country’s land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and its relations with other countries and the U. S.

Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids
Sponsored by the U.S. Printing Office, site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers on how our government works.

Information sheets on bugs provided by the Smithsonian Institution.

Dinosauria Online
Dinosaur site.

Earthquake Hazard Program for Kids
U.S. Geological Survey site provides information on earthquakes for kids.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Sponsored by the University of Evansville this is an on-line course of the ancient and medieval worlds.

Kids Online Resources
For kids from kindergarten through college, parents and teachers. Covers all subjects from art to science.

Megasite for over 600 subject areas for kids.

Math Reference Tables
Site sponsored by Math2.org has tables for general math, algebra, geometry, trig, calculus, statistics, etc. along with hints for remembering the tables.

Using the world of cats, math is taught using games, crafts and more.

Me and My Math
Interactive math site that covers everything from numbers, place values, adding, mutiplication, fractions to laws of arthmetic.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary for Kids

Fun site sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with information on projects and games, rockets and planes, stories, space and more.

National Geographic Kids
Homework help in areas of animals, history, art, science, geography, along with maps. Also has fun activities.

100 Milestone Documents
Full text of 100 historical documents wiith translations. Compiled by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Presidential Timeline of the Twentieth Century
Portal to the presidential libraries and their digitized collections from Hoover to Clinton. Information also available for educators.

State Geography
Provides students and teachers with resources on individual states and the country as a whole. Information on people, events and places plus e-books on the topics.

The White House site for kids. Information on presidents, photos, guides for teachers and parents and more.

World Factbook
Database produced by the CIA provides basic information on each country of the world. Covers resources, water, people, government, economy and more.

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